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Home Clients Charter MEC Clients Charter

Our commitment is to prepare syllabuses and conduct examinations in an efficient and organized manner.
In carrying out these tasks, we shall ensure the following :

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The Regulations and Scheme of STPM examination are produced 8 months before the semester 1 examination.

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The STPM syllabuses are produced 12 months before the semester 1 examination.

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The MUET Regulations, Specifications and Test Format are produced 12 months before the test.

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The STPM examination results are released within 14 weeks after the last date of the examination.

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The MUET results are released within 10 weeks after the last date of the test.

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STPM certificates are issued by July.

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STPM and MUET statements of results which are requested by post will be sent to applicants within two working days after the applications are received by the MEC, and within 30 minutes for over the counter applications after receiving completed and valid applications.

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Copiesof STPM certificatewhich are requested by post will be sent to applicants within two working days after the applications received by the MEC, and within two hours for over-the counter applications after receiving completed and valid applications.
MEC Staff